The Mini Luer microfluidic platforms combine the same advantages as their larger counterparts, with reduced dimensions (outer diameter 4 mm instead of 6 mm), thus allowing for more connectors on the chip. Up to 16 ports along the long side of a microscopy slide can thus be realized.

Male Mini Luer plugs for closing the Mini Luer interface are available as well as adapter pins to connect silicone tubing to these chips, which increases the versatility of the various Mini Luer platforms.

Fluidic 1633Microscopy slide platforms – Fluidic interface: Mini Luer

Fluidic 1633 features four additional Mini Luer interfaces in the center of the chip, allowing structures to start or end in the middle of the chip.

Schematic drawing of Fluidic 1633

Dimensions of Fluidic 1633

Fluidic 1632Microscopy slide platforms – Fluidic interface: Pipetting interface

The pipetting interface platform Fluidic 1632 features 16 pipetting ports along the long side of the chip, serving as inlet, and Mini Luer interfaces on the opposite side of the chip, serving as outlet.

Schematic drawing of Fluidic 1632

Dimensions of Fluidic 1632

Fluidic 1365Microscopy slide platforms – Integrated reservoir platform

The integrated reservoir platform Fluidic 1365 features 4 replicate units per chip. Each unit consists of three reservoir structures at their in- and outlets, with fixed dimensions. The maximum filling volume of each reservoir is 37.7 μl.

Schematic drawing of Fluidic 1365

Dimensions of Fluidic 1365

More information regarding materials and prices upon request.