Microfluidic micro mixers apply different mixing principles. They include mixers applying passive and active mixing principles. Passive mixing elements with elongated channels to enforce diffusion mixing or the so-called “herringbone” mixing structures are available. Active mixers with integrated stir bars give the option to generate mixtures with a wider range of mixing ratios, e.g. coping with 1:10 mixing ratios what is not feasible with the passively working devices.
Passive Mixer
Diffusion Mixer
Passive mixers mix liquids by diffusion. As flows in microchannels are normally laminar, the task of these mixers lies in the improvement of the diffusion condition, e.g. by allowing a long co-flow of the liquids or by adding structures to increase lateral velocity. As there are multiple mixing structures on each chip, these can be daisy-chained to improve the mixing result.

Schematic Drawing of Fluidic 186

Fluidic 186
Herringbone Mixer
This mixer is based on the principle as described in: A.D. Stroock et al., Chaotic Mixer for Microchannels, Science, 295, 647-651, 2002.

Schematic Drawing of Fluidic 187

Fluidic 187
Herringbone Mixer – Channel variation
The Herringbone Mixer – Channel variation Fluidic 1460 has four functional mixing units, two of which are identical. The chip can be used as a mixer chip, but also for the synthesis of lipid nanoparticles.

Schematic drawing of Fluidic 1460

Fluidic 1460
Phase Guide Mixer
This mixer is based on the principle as described in: S. Hakenberg et al., A phaseguided passive batch microfluidic mixing chamber for isothermal amplification, Lab Chip, 12, 4576-4580, 2012.

Schematic Drawing of Fluidic 533

Fluidic 533
Micro Vortex Mixer

Schematic Drawing of Fluidic 640

Fluidic 640

Schematic Drawing of Fluidic 641

Fluidic 641

Schematic Drawing of Fluidic 642

Fluidic 642
Pearl Chain Mixer

Schematic Drawing of Fluidic 658

Fluidic 658
3D serpentine mixer

Schematic Drawing of Fluidic 1079

Fluidic 1079
Snowman mixer

Schematic Drawing of Fluidic 1108

Fluidic 1108
Active Mixer
Stir Bar Actuated Mixer

Schematic Drawing of Fluidic 286

Fluidic 286
Finger pump mixer

Schematic Drawing of Fluidic 999

Fluidic 999