Embedded Frits
Negative Control
Positive Control (Anti POD)
Anti Hapten 1
Anti Hapten 2
Product Code
Functional Description
Order Form
- IFSA 1 Immunoassay Chip pre-equipped with two generic frits for custom immunoassay and positive and negative control
- Application note
- 150+
please inquire
- 2100+
please inquire
Process set-up custom immunoassay on chip – pilot study
- Antibodies / antigens for immobilization will be charged separately or delivered by customer
please inquire
IFSA 1 Immunoassay Chip Kits
Product Code
Order Form
IFSA 1 Immunoassay Chip Reagent Kit 1 – V2
- Wash buffer, 75 ml
- Sample buffer, 50 ml
- Conugate (streptavidin-HRP), 30 ml
- Substrate (TMB), 30 ml
- Hapten 1-conjugation reagent: 0.2 mg
- Hapten 2-conjugation reagent: 0.2 mg
IFSA 1 Immunoassay Chip Demonstration Reagent Kit 1
Reagent Kit for 20 chips comprising:
- Wash buffer, 75 ml
- Sample buffer, 20 ml
- Conugate (streptavidin-HRP), 15 ml
- Substrate (TMB), 15 ml
- Anti-hCRP-hapten 1-conugate, 50 μg
- Anti-hPCR-hapten 2-conugate, 50 μg
- Anti-hCRP-biotin-conjugate, 50 μg
- Anti-hPCT-biotin-conjugate, 50 μg
- Human C-reactive protein, 50 μg
- Human procalcitonin, 20 μg